Now who would have thought that working around an airport could be hazardous to my health? I am not saying that it is monumentally so but being out in the elements in the early morning...I will admit...is challenging, to say the least.
I am writing this post with cold fingers and runny nose. I don't think I will acquire a cold, but I do have wind burn. I wasn't wearing a hat or a sc a r f...just a fleece vest.
The wind is the worst...but each day it's getting a little better, and I am not as bothered with it. Yesterday was the worst...raked leaves for an hour...the wind...the leaves flying everywhere....reminded me of one of those musicals where everyone is singing and waltzing through the streets carrying on...another windy day like that, and I will be just fine. Okay, so I had plenty of tea and a bit of hot cocoa when I got home....and I called in my two rain days this week...but heck...I deserve a treat every now and then! gives me something to type about anyway!
Some might say I am getting soft! HAH Not even close to that!
For the time being I will have to watch out the drafts. Yesterday I brought some pebbles from the river and put on my desk to hold down all of my paperwork and reading material. Lately I have been finding newspaper articles plus an assortment of documents in my unable-to-file-because-I-don't-have-a-file-cabinet drawer in my computer hutch. Time to see about a few outdoor items...larger decorative rocks to discourage the cats from clawing around the herb garden, a good rodent trap for uninvited guests (here's hoping there's not too many of those. I have drunk plenty of coffee from the same cup-since Monday, it's only 7am...well, 7:40am actually...kitty found a hair elastic on the floor...I prefer to keep those in MY hair:)
I fed 4 out of the 6 cats earlier, I'll do that now and then get myself ready.
boy...I having a lot of trouble keeping a single train of thought in my pea brain...don't I? hit me with a deer-leavin...and now this...some island girl I'm gonna wind up being...
Monday, November 07, 2005
You have arrived at the HoR Hospital, Welcome!
Busy as a bee, but I have enjoyed days of social networking online with my new friends :) I have a PROMISE to keep...and that is to identify and make the most out of everyday.
Had another very strange dream this weekend....this was a definately over due cathartic dream. My mother who has been gone for years was in it. She was at my house coloring with pencils on white drawing paper...she had on a white knit work and very pale, she told me that she didn't feel good. Only later I realize that the whole time I am speaking with her, I am holding up one of the folded arms of her knit work. (Have you ever stopped to think what to call an old shirt? Well my common thread sister came up with calling them a "foldy"...so we are both upside down:)
Next...when we are out to eat, I submerge a whole fish in a dish of olive oil of a vinegar and oil dressing...all over the table...that dream seemed to have something to do with what I had planned to eat for dinner actually..I had leftovers.
I best not leave you with a lot of very strange thoughts this morning. Have a fine day, and a fine week!
Saturday, November 05, 2005
Now for something entirely too goofy...
"No honey...I did not see the mouse there when I set my things on the kitchen table...."
"No honey...that wasn't a deer's hair I saw sticking out of the wheel well of the car when I came out to share some coffee with you before I went to work..."
What are some of the most odd and or convenient excuses you've used or heard?
Thursday, November 03, 2005
Just going along?
My mind has been twisting in a few new directions lately..some of which made me think along these lines..
We aren't perfect, and never will be...so..why do we persist in trying? Is this striving in our own best (mental, spiritual, physical, emotional) interest? Does it make sense to set so many enormous (often unattainable) goals or does that set us up for many further failures? Could we just realize that we truly are human and give ourselves a bit of a break?
I recently read The Wisdom of Florence Scovel Shinn. "Prosperity surrounds me....God reveals to me the way....I am not dependent upon persons or conditions…" All of this is well and good, but sometimes no matter how hard one tries, they cannot "feel" a goal, either because of outside sources or even their own impulsive, lack of thought.
It reminds of that scene from the Carson City Counsel, Strangers With Candy. A well-meaning citizen is completely perplexed as to why the genuine enigma and oddity named Jerry Blank cannot succeed in school, maintain a job and foster somewhat of a "normal" family life. The concerned citizen keeps asking...."Have you tried...have you done this...have you done that?" Jerry just shakes her head in bewilderment and says she has tried everything. As it turns out...Jerry cannot because she is truly the product of her environment and his well-meaning questions are only increasing her sense of ostracism and more importantly..alienation. OOOoooOoooohhhh...Freud wonder who first said that a sense of alienation is a 'sense of self' over thrown? (He told him it didn't matter anymore with his big head:) Read Into the Wild, by John Krakauer sometime...think about how as inpiduals and as a society, we are all liable at three score and ten...to question these things!
So many people strive for power and autonomy...it's as though they are empowered by that sense of accomplishment...and it makes them "feel" good. To think that they are finally on the road, the "right" road of life. Most of the time, especially if you live in America, what they end up with is debilitating themselves physically, undermining their mental health and more than likely, deservedly isolating themselves from everyone who they may have come into superficial contact with before. So many of these people, trying to do what society deems important or good, fail to see what might be right in front of them...and all around them. So many people are as the saying goes...wave-running on a blacktop. (Just look at all the big SUV's coming toward our now one horse town, welcome myndi...sit back and stay deep...never come out!:) However - this attitude - this ideology, has been around for some time, look at the passenger pigeon...or the Dakota Sandstone formations in our local badlands...millions of years after they were instated...why did they dissapear? It wasn't the wind...it was the waves...these things are very OG, gravity baby. So where does power and autonomy ultimately come from...God or the Devil...shifty logic...can you choose a side to back up the judgement we think we've given ourselves? People just don't know that there are five main classes of erosion: soil slowww, water way, wave stronger, then comes wind (carry-on), but the most errosion is head-butt between rocks (mass movements to the geodynamo).
It really is the "little" people who are left to connect with...the people who actually refer to themselves as "little" and make fun of their own stature (K...you gotta cope somewhere)...Hilda and Doris (shameless plug)...friends I've made forever because I work with them ( and afraid, with babies of their own, will grow even further apart from - not good - who will I blame...probably my birth) Any school doesn't just let you out....go somewhere else to get ya - so funny. So funny, you don't see it coming...or people, these days...going down and taking a best friend with them. Maybe Hilda and Doris weren't scared...?
So, no matter how petty, no matter how inconsequential, it is still a good job. A good job keeps household, family and friends together...it's always worth it...unless the lithium wears too far away. If you are perfect and that ever lasts for awhile...(it doesn't, BTW) you'll only re-invent the wheel.
We can climb, at the end of an apartment, force others to do most of the breaking and freindship severing...is just wrong...it's in our genes:)
Kim (the odd and end worthy)
Tuesday, November 01, 2005
behind each blade of grass is a big machine
as i write...
the sun has just risen, peaking above the window. it's light bounces off the grass seed I am sprinkling on the lawn...the golds and browns turned to green again. the pumpkin leaves are still yellowish orange and fiery red. the wind rolls them up then i made the mistake of starting a coffee-first thing.
I better go cut up that left-over pumpkin...I am told that the remaining half of an embarrassment hanging around since Halloween is never as sweet as the stuff you make pies out of. before i go do that let me write some more details into the picture you have of me at home...stubborn on reheating my coffee. imagine...and you have to imagine this...i only drink coffee at home. too many years of working at places with bad coffee and not spending the money to buy my own. i cannot drink coffee out of a paper cup...it ruins the whole...hmm...morning routine? let me just use the work "sunrise coffee ceremony." i do however drink pop. i have given up on sodas.
terry is roaming around looking for an arco station before he goes into the airport...fuel prices have risen because of hurriance. the fuel prices rose also because of segmenting...FSI points get paid through petroleum taxes. we were d:rewed out of many when the state made the ddecision to leave privatization of services in the hands of public welfare and health...that was a few years back. today the market side is just a shadow of its past.
gotta go
the pelican stopped at home the pelican and daisy's website.